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Thank you for Payment !
Once you have placed your order and chosen the online payment method, here is what you can expect:
- Payment Validation: As soon as you have completed your online payment, our system will perform instant validation to ensure that the transaction has been successfully processed. You will then receive a confirmation on your order confirmation screen.
- Receipt of the invoice by e-mail: Shortly after the validation of your payment, you will automatically receive by e-mail a detailed invoice summarizing the items ordered, the amounts paid, as well as the details of the transaction. This invoice will serve as proof of purchase and will allow you to track your expenses transparently.
If you have any questions regarding the online payment process, payment validation or receiving your invoices by email, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We are here to help you every step of the way.
NB: Please insert the invoice number in the comments section when completing your online transaction.
Thank you for your trust and continued support.